20 Parts of the Body with Three Letters – Crossword Clue

Welcome to our website! You’ve likely arrived here in search of an answer for Parts of the Body with Three Letters crossword clue. Rest assured, you’re in the right place, as we’re here to provide you with the correct solution to this puzzle clue.

Without further ado, let’s dive straight into the answer for the Parts of the Body with Three Letters crossword clue.

Possible Answer

A crossword puzzle clue may have multiple answers depending on the required number of letters. Therefore, we’ve provided potential answers based on word length.

Make sure to verify the required length in the crossword puzzle you’re attempting to solve.

The possible answers for the Parts of the Body with Three Letters crossword clue are:

their descriptions:

Body PartDescription
AbsAbdominal muscles located between the ribs and pelvis, helping with core strength and posture.
ArmThe upper limb of the human body, extending from the shoulder to the hand.
BumInformal term for the buttocks, the fleshy part of the lower back used for sitting.
EarThe organ of hearing and balance, consisting of the outer, middle, and inner ear.
EggThe female reproductive cell, or ovum, involved in reproduction.
FatA type of tissue that stores energy and insulates the body, found under the skin and around organs.
GumThe soft tissue surrounding the teeth, protecting the roots and holding teeth in place.
GutThe stomach and intestines, responsible for digestion and nutrient absorption.
HipThe joint connecting the leg to the pelvis, supporting body weight and enabling movement.
JawThe bones forming the structure of the mouth, holding the teeth and enabling chewing.
LapThe top of the thighs when seated, often a resting place for objects or a child.
LegThe lower limb extending from the hip to the foot, used for walking and standing.
LidThe upper and lower skin folds that cover and protect the eyes, known as the eyelids.
LipThe fleshy borders surrounding the mouth, involved in speech and eating.
OvaPlural of ovum, the female reproductive cells necessary for reproduction.
PusA thick fluid produced during infection, consisting of white blood cells and bacteria.
RibOne of the bones forming the ribcage, protecting the heart and lungs.
TitInformal term for the breast or nipple, involved in breastfeeding in females.
ToeOne of the digits on the foot, aiding in balance and walking.
WaxA substance produced by glands in the ear canal, protecting the ear by trapping dirt and dust.

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