Painting Techniques Word Search

Discovering different ways to paint can be like finding new colors. Each technique, like using thick paint or thin watercolors, helps artists tell stories with their pictures. Whether you enjoy working with oil, acrylic, or watercolor, this fun word search puzzle will help you become familiar with various painting techniques. Gaining knowledge of these techniques can significantly boost your practice and confidence.

Techniques Included : Alla Prima, Blending, Brushwork, Chiaroscuro, Dabbing, Drybrush, Encaustic, Fresco, Gestural, Glazing, Grisaille, Impasto, Masking, Pointillism, Pouring, Scumbling, Sfumato, Sgraffito, Spattering, Stippling, Underpainting, Wash, Wet-on-Wet, and Woodcut.

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