Crack the Code Puzzle #6 & Answer

Gear up for a new challenge—it’s time to crack the code and solve the mystery code! In this fun 3-digit puzzle, you’ll get three digits and some clues about how correct they are. Your job is to find the right 3-digit code using these hints to unlock the secret.

Ready to give it a try? Let’s see if you can figure out the code and open the lock!


Click the toggle button below to reveal the answer. It’s hidden on purpose to avoid accidental spoilers. Try your best before checking the answer!

See the Answer


Did you manage to crack the code? Don’t worry if you didn’t—it’s completely normal, especially if this is your first time with this kind of puzzle. To help you get the hang of these puzzles, here’s a quick guide on how you can work through it and find the answer:

Let’s begin with Clue #4. Since 8, 7, and 3 are not correct and are missing from the code, we can eliminate them from any clues that include them.

This leaves us with 0 as a potential number in the code based on Clue #5. However, 0 is not the last digit, so it is likely the first or second digit.

Let’s focus on Clue #1 and Clue #2. If the number 4 were in our mystery code, it would have been in the correct position in Clue #2. This means that 4 is missing from the code and we should eliminate it from all clues.

After eliminating instances of 4, we have 2 remaining in Clue #1. According to this clue, 2 is in the correct position, making it the last digit of the code.

So, we have something like this so far: X02 or 0X2.

From Clue #3, we are left with 2 and 0 after eliminating 4. However, they are in the wrong positions in Clue #3.

This tells us that 0 cannot be the middle digit. Since the last digit is already 2, 0 must be in the first position, i.e., 0X2.

Finally, let’s focus on Clue #2. We are left with 1 and 6 after eliminating 4 in the previous steps. Only one of these is correct.

The position we haven’t filled is the middle digit. If it were 1, Clue #2 would have indicated that it is in the correct position.

Since the middle position is still vacant, we cannot choose 1. Therefore, 6 must be the middle digit.

Thus, our mystery code becomes: 062.