I Burn Without Flame, I Grow Without Seed Riddle/Puzzle


I burn without flame, I grow without seed.

I can make men tremble and cause them to bleed.

I blind clear minds and shatter the calm.

But speak no word, yet still raise alarm.

What am I?


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The Correct Answer:


Rage, an intense emotion, can burn within a person without any visible flame. It grows and spreads without the need for a seed or external source.

Rage has the power to make even the bravest of men tremble and cause them to bleed, either literally or metaphorically, through their actions fueled by this emotion.

Rage can blind clear minds, causing people to lose their rational thinking and make impulsive decisions. It can shatter the calm and peaceful state of mind, disrupting the harmony around.

Yet, rage can be expressed without uttering a single word, through body language, facial expressions, or actions, and still raise alarm in those around.