Today’s Wordle Review | Wordle # 1227 |October 28, 2024

Welcome to our website. We are going to provide a quick review for WORDLE # 1227, Monday 28, 2024.

Warning: This page contains spoilers for today’s puzzle, but we’ve hidden them under content toggles to prevent accidental reveals. To view the hints or answers, simply click the corresponding toggle buttons or arrows at the end of each section. This way, you’re in full control of what you see.

A QUICK NOTE: Wordle is updated daily with a new word at midnight local time. Depending on your time zone, our page may not match up with your “today,” so be sure to check this page for Yesterday’s Hints & Answer.

Today’s Hints and Clues 

Hint #1: Are there repeating letters?

Hint #2: How many vowels are there?

Hint #3: What’s the first letter?

Hint #4: What’s the last letter?

Hint #5: What are the best words to start with today?

Hint #6: What other hint can you give for today’s answer?

Today’s Word

Today’s wordle word is:

Don’t be disappointed if you didn’t get today’s word right. Wordle can stump even the pros who have been playing since its launch.

Keep playing, and you’ll improve sooner than you think. There will also be a new Wordle puzzle to challenge your brain tomorrow, and we’ll be here again with helpful hints and clues.

NOTE: We update this page daily, so be sure to bookmark it for a quick review of tomorrow’s or future Wordles.

How I played Today

Here’s how I played today.

See how I played:

Today’s Wordle Difficulty

Today’s Wordle proved to be quite challenging, as it turned out to be a relatively uncommon word. I managed to achieve a 5/6 win, but I struggled to find the correct answer. I hesitated to use the consonant “W” because it seemed most logical to place it at the beginning of the word rather than in the middle.

How Did you fair On?

To see how you stack up against other Wordle players today, check out WordleBot. Just make sure you’ve played Wordle first before checking the WordleBot analysis!

Useful Wordle Resources