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No one wants to have it, but no one wants to lose it either.
What is it?
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Answer: A Lawsuit
Was your guess spot on? Don’t worry if this riddle had you stumped—riddles are all about having fun and sparking curiosity, so missing the answer is no big deal.
To help you understand the riddle better, we’ve included a brief explanation.
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People generally don’t want to be involved in a lawsuit, but once they are, they don’t want to lose it either. It’s something undesirable to start with, but once you’re in it, winning becomes the goal.
An alternative answer is a Problem. No one wants to have problems, but once they do, they don’t want to lose or solve them too quickly, as doing so often means facing more challenges or responsibilities. People tend to avoid problems, but they also don’t want to lose their ability to handle or learn from them.
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